Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Swallow Hard

When your ex-girlfriend 

jumps in front of a semi-truck

because she just can’t take 

one more fucking thing

When your lungs fill with fluid

Slowly over time

50 years to be exact

One cigarette after another 

When your legs stop working

after your husband dies

and you have forgotten 

everyone’s name that you love

When you make sure

no one is following you home

from the grocery store

because they guessed the wrong gender

When you are afraid to ask

someone’s citizen status

because we don’t know 

who is listening anymore 

When you call your cousin

who lives in Southern California 

to make sure their house

hasn’t burned down to the ground

When you are the only one in the store

that the owner is following around

calling you buddy

but what they really mean is black

When your left arm goes numb

Neck muscles pinching your last nerve 

Knots from the ropes

holding the world upon your shoulders 

Swallow hard

Monday, December 2, 2024

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


In this unnatural world

we are the only species

that perpetuates animosity

Survival may be for the fittest

but animals do not plot revenge

hold generational grudges

punish and torture

starve and exterminate

deceive and manipulate





One could argue

of all the life

that walks this planet

we are the least civilized

of lesser intelligence

Surely depleted

of kindness and mercy

Any hungered frenzy

those called beasts

could possibly muster

is swallowed whole

by the fury we pass




Thursday, October 12, 2023


Sons of Mothers
Mother's of Sons
Daughters of Fathers
Father's of Daughters
Brothers of Sisters
Sisters of Brothers
Grandchildren of Grandparents
Grandparents of Grandchildren
Nieces of Uncles
Uncles of Nephews
Nephews of Aunts
Aunts of Nieces
Ancient Cousins
of Cousins
of Cousins

Family, Friends or Lovers
Bombs do not care
Bullets do not spare
Justice and Mercy
in political warfare
There is nothing left to identify
Let alone 
identify with
Only pink tinted ash
Aren't there enough ways to die?
If we insist on continuing to make more
then the future is already past